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111097 Classroom 21B-1
This page was last updated on Saturday June 07, 2008 11:34 AM
6/7/08. Click on this LINK to open Exam 2 in
pdf format. Quiz 6 and writing assignment grades will be posted as soon as
the grading has been completed.
Economics 1B Second Exam Key | ||||
1. C | 17. D | 33. C | 49. B | 65. D |
2. A | 18. D | 34. D | 50. A | 66. B |
3. D | 19. D | 35. B | 51. D | 67. E |
4. C | 20. A | 36. A | 52. C | 68. D |
5. C | 21. D | 37. C | 53. B | 29. B |
6. D | 22. E | 38. C | 54. E | 70. D |
7. D | 23. E | 39. D | 55. B | 71. B |
8. D | 24. C | 40. D | 56. B | 72. B |
9. C | 25. A | 41. A | 57. B | 73. A |
10. C | 26. C | 42. C | 58. A | 74. B |
11. C | 27. D | 43. B | 59. A | 75. C |
12. A | 28. A | 44. C | 60. A | |
13. C | 29. B | 45. B | 61. E | |
14. C | 30. B | 46. D | 62. C | |
15. C | 31. C | 47. B | 63. B | |
16. D | 32. C | 48. C | 64. D |
5/28/08. Links to practice quizzes for Chapters 16, 17, and 18-19 follow. Chapter 16, chapter 17, and chapter 18-19. Note: Chapter 19 will NOT be on your exam.
5/24/08. Quiz 6 for Monday, June 2, 2008. On a single sheet of paper, illustrate and explain why the optimal level of pollution is not zero. Please submit a typed paper. At the top type Quiz 6, your name, and the class (Economics 1B, Monday).
Study questions for chapters 17 and 18 will be posted here by Monday.
4/24/08. A video on Monopolistic Competition is available here. The quiz for next Monday, April 28, will cover chapters 8, 9, and maybe a couple of questions on chapter 10. A video on cartels is here. A video on monopoly is here.
4/18/08. Due to a conflict with an orientation meeting for my online class, I will be approximately 30 minutes late to class on Monday evening (4/21/08), so class should begin about 7:30 p.m. Sorry for the inconvenience.
4/10/08. A copy of Quiz 3 is available in pdf format. Click here. The answers to the quiz are:
1. D | 6. B | 11. D | 16. D |
2. B | 7. C | 12. B | 17. A |
3. B | 8. D | 13. C | 18. D |
4. B | 9. C | 14. B | 19. C |
5. B | 10. A | 15. A | 20. D |
The midterm exam will cover through page 175 in your text.
Someone who sits in the front row, near the center left their econ notes under their chair. Drop me an email and I will try to get them back to you.
You Tube presentation on DeBeers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-sFSmhoD4dU
2/23/08. Welcome to Economics 1B. This is microeconomics which covers the study of individual markets, supply and demand, externalities, public goods, efficiency, market structure, and many other related topics. Check this page if you have to miss a class and before each quiz or exam.
As an alternative to the Internet Research Assignment you can watch the 3-part video on Greed and write a 2-page paper. If you watch the Greed video, then your paper should include a summary of the key points or events in the 3-parts of the Greed video plus some well thought out comments about the content of the video.